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Biobased and social innovation to revitalise European local communities

project is funded under Horizon Europe Programme and it aims at advancing the role and impact of social innovation to revitalise European local communities and accelerate the transition to the circular bioeconomy (CBE).

BIOLOC will achieve this ambitious goal through comprehensive methodological work and specific actions that the project will implement in 12 locations in Spain (Aragon), Greece (Western Macedonia), Bulgaria (Plovdiv), Slovakia (Nitra), Slovenia, Croatia (Adriatic), Hungary (North), Romania (West), Czechia, the Netherlands (Apeldoorn), Germany (Bad-Wurtenberg), and Italy.

After assessing biomass potentials and CBE value chains in participating regions and analysing barriers that hinder the engagement of the socially disadvantaged in related economic activities, BIOLOC will elaborate on innovative solutions and business models and transpose them into region-specific toolsets.


Main activities

BIOLOC will provide specific recommendations and tailored measures to foster the socio-economic impact of the CBE on a broader population. To this aim, permanent public-private multi-stakeholder working tables will be established (BIOLOC Hubs) to discuss innovative and inclusive CBE as a leveraging factor for sustainable and resilient local development.


Join US

BIOLOC hubs will be established in 12 European regions (12 locations in Spain (Aragon), Greece (Western Macedonia), Bulgaria (Plovdiv), Slovakia (Nitra), Slovenia, Croatia (Adriatic), Hungary (North), Romania (West), Czechia, the Netherlands (Apeldoorn), Germany (Baden-Württemberg), and Italy) with the aim of building upon BIOLOC results and develop new initiatives and build synergies with similar networks and projects. Any actor interested in cooperating with BIOLOC partners and attend project events and initiatives, apply here by filling in the form below:

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BIOLOC is funded by the Horizon Europe Programme.

It aims to promote social innovation and inclusion as enabling factors that, contributing to revitalising local communities, could accelerate the transition to a circular bioeconomy in 12 European regions (IT, NL, ES, DE, GR, BG, SK, SL, HR, HU, RO, CZ). 

Contact Us

Have Questions? Get in touch!

CENTRAL EUROPEAN INITIATIVE Mr. Peter Canciani, Project Manager

    BIOLOC will elaborate on innovative solutions and business models and transpose them into region-specific toolsets


    Mr. Peter Canciani
    Project Manager

    Central European Initiative – Executive Secretariat
    Via Genova 9
    34121 Trieste (ITALY)


    Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the CENTRAL EUROPEAN INITIATIVE EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT (CEI-ES) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or of the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them

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